Rare and endangered plants
The geopark supports 58 species of rare and endemic plants (Table 1-2), including six critically endangered species (CR), six endangered species (EN), 21 vulnerable species (VU), six near-threatened species (NT) and 10 least-concern species (LC). The most representative rare and endangered plant species include Gynostemmapentagynum and Distyliumtsiangii ,among others(Photos 1-1 to 1-6).
Photo 1-1 Gynostemmapentagynum
Photo 1-2 Distyliumtsiangii
Photo 1-3 Cypripedium japonicum
Photo 1-4 Eurycorymbus cavaleriei
Photo 1-5 Tinospora sagittata
Photo 1-6 Ormosia hosiei
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